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Why Optimizely Pricing is Outdated for Modern Digital Growth

If you’re looking to enhance your team’s digital growth you can’t afford to be limited by Optimizely’s pricing. Why continuously pay for “add-ons” when you can simply pick an option that doesn’t hinder your growth from the start?

Limited Audience Reach

The main limitation of Optimizely is that they limit your audience reach. Once your experiment reaches a quota of users who are permitted to reach experiments, your experiment won’t go any further which means you’re missing out on your audience’s full potential. If you want to roll the winning variation to all users, you have to request the dev team to hard code because you can’t use Optimizely to release it to all users.

Not only does this hurt your budget by not running experiments efficiently but it doesn’t allow for a comprehensive experimentation program. To get the most of your experiment, you need to show it to everyone who’s eligible for it. Taplytics does not cap your users and allows full flexibility in who you decide should receive the experiment. Taplytics also gives you access to unlimited seats since we encourage cross-team collaboration.

Additional Costly Addons

Optimizely treats additional domains and personalization features as add-ons and raw data access is not standard with Optimizely. Taplytics includes personalization and multiple-domain targeting in our standard offering. We also provide raw data access to allow you to see the full user journey and how your users engage with your products.

Another limitation with Optimizely is that you can’t run experiments across certain platforms or channels. With Taplytics, you have the ability to deliver experiments and controlled feature releases to any connected device through any of our client-side or server-side solutions. You can also run experiments on any screen whether it be mobile, web or OTT.

What We Hear From Ex-Optimizely Customers

Optimizely has several add ons which can add up to over $300,000 USD per year which still only gives you basic functionality. An additional cost comes with your site’s traffic levels. High-traffic sites pay more than low-traffic sites and Optimizely is one of the more pricey options. Even with their “bring your own analytics” option their price doesn’t change and can still eat up your entire budget. Optimizely bases their price on subsets of users, which means it can be cheaper in the beginning but isn’t conducive for a company that wants to mature their experimentation program and really scale up testing velocity.

We’ve heard from clients who were with Optimizely for several years that they kept raising their prices every year to the point where the investment stopped making sense for the value they were receiving from the product. These ex-Optimizely customers also paid for Premium support but still found themselves dealing with a different customer support person handling each request. This was frustrating since they had to constantly restate the issue they were facing along with being nickel and dimed for any additional feature, no matter how small. This has several teams wondering if Optimizely is worth the cost.

At Taplytics, our stance is that you should be able to experiment as much as you want without having to think about if you’re going to be limited by your plan or how much it will cost you.

Why You Need Modern Digital Growth

When thinking about what it means to have modern digital growth, we believe it means not sacrificing performance for usability and having the ability to run large-scale A/B testing programs, and increasing speed to production while decreasing development costs. That’s exactly what we do at Taplytics.

With Taplytics you have access to unlimited A/B tests, feature flags, domains, our entire integration library, full-stack API options, and more. We also offer cloud and on-prem deployment options. The best part is you can receive a free 14-day trial with Taplytics with no credit card required.

We’re so sure you’ll love us more than Optimizely that if you’re an Optimizely customer, we’ll buy out the rest of your contract if you switch to Taplytics.

Stop using an outdated platform and get the modern product growth stack to start making data-driven decisions.